Notícias da indústria

Entendendo a máquina de teste de impacto Charpy
The Charpy Impact Test Machine is a crucial instrument used in the field of materials science for testing the amount of energy absorbed by a material during fracture. This energy is known as the impact energy, and it is measured in Joules. Components of the Charpy Impact Test Machine The Charpy Impact Test Machine primarily consists of two main parts: 1. Pendulum: The pendulum, when released, strikes the sam
Como funciona a Câmara Ambiental de Bancada
The Benchtop Environmental Chamber is a laboratory device used to simulate various environmental conditions to test the performance and durability of products or materials. This article will introduce in detail the working principle of Benchtop Environmental Chamber. Main components of Benchtop Environmental Chamber Benchtop Environmental Chamber mainly consists of the following parts: 1. Control system: The
Câmara de estabilidade ambiental para testes de bateria
A JOEO é um fornecedor líder de Câmara de Estabilidade Ambiental com mais de 20 anos de experiência na indústria no projeto e fabricação de produtos de controle de temperatura e umidade, e oferecemos uma ampla gama de equipamentos de teste de confiabilidade ambiental para testar baterias de qualquer tamanho. Oferecemos ampla experiência em laboratórios testando baterias NIMH, chumbo-ácido e íon de lítio, variando de células pequenas a
Top Battery High Frequency Abanador da vibração Brands
High-frequency vibration shakers are essential equipment for battery testing, as they simulate real-world conditions to ensure the reliability and performance of batteries. There are several brands that offer high-quality, high-frequency vibration shakers for battery testing, each with its own unique features and benefits. Top Battery High Frequency Abanador da vibração Brands 1. Qualmark: Qualmark is a leading man
Complexidades do Walk In Environmental Tester para ferro fundido
O reino da ciência dos materiais está repleto de desafios que testam a coragem de engenheiros e pesquisadores. Entre esses desafios está a tarefa de garantir a durabilidade e confiabilidade do ferro fundido, um material conhecido por sua resistência e ampla aplicação industrial. Para enfrentar esse desafio, os testadores ambientais walk-in surgiram como ferramentas indispensáveis para submeter o ferro fundido a uma variedade de estresses
Exploring the World of Battery High Frequency Abanador da vibração Brands
In the field of battery testing, high-frequency vibration testing machine is a vital equipment. They are designed to simulate various vibration conditions that batteries may encounter in actual use environments to ensure battery performance and stability. The Role of Battery High Frequency Abanador da vibração The high-frequency vibration testing machine simulates various vibration environments that batteries may e
Aplicação of walk in environmental tester for cast iron
Introduction to walking environmental tester A walking environmental tester is a device that simulates various environmental conditions and is used to test the performance of materials and products in specific environments. This device can simulate environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, salt spray, and ultraviolet radiation. Characteristics of cast iron Cast iron is an iron-based alloy conta
JOEO é a principal marca de agitadores de vibração de alta frequência de bateria
In today's technology industry, the battery high-frequency vibration testing machine is a key piece of equipment that can test the performance and safety of batteries under high-frequency vibration. Different batteries may have different testing requirements, and you may need to customize your battery high frequency vibration testing machine to get the best results. Customizing your battery high-frequency vi
O papel da caminhada no testador ambiental para ferro fundido
Cast iron is a widely used metal material whose excellent properties make it important in various industrial applications. The quality and performance of cast iron are often affected by the production environment. This is where the walk in environmental tester for cast iron comes into play. Definition of Walk in Environmental Tester Walk in environmental tester is a device that simulates various environmental
O que é teste de alta temperatura e alta umidade
O teste de alta temperatura e alta umidade também é um teste de temperatura e umidade constantes, que é um teste de confiabilidade ambiental para o produto. Ao simular condições ambientais extremas de alta temperatura e alta umidade, o desempenho e a durabilidade do produto neste ambiente hostil são testados e se o impacto do produto neste ambiente está dentro de uma faixa aceitável após um período